This is the code to calculate a compass bearing given two geographical coordinates.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Jul 19 12:04:26 2022
import math
DiameterOfEarth = 7917.5
RadiusOfEarth = 3961
#Assumung two fixed point - just for the sake of making life easy...
#North = positive values. South = negative values
#West = Positive values, East = negative values
LocationOneV = 51.5081
LocationOneH = 0.0759
#Tower of London
LocationTwoV = 48.8738
LocationTwoH = -2.2950
#Arc de Triomph
X = math.cos(LocationTwoV)*math.sin(LocationOneH-LocationTwoH)
Y = (math.cos(LocationOneV)*math.sin(LocationTwoV)-math.sin(LocationOneV)*
Radians = math.atan2(X,Y) #radians
print("radians ", Radians)
Degrees = math.degrees(Radians)
print ("Degrees", Degrees)
That was pretty easy, wasn't it?